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[#23][#33][#27]: Customer registration

romainlo requested to merge 37-Customer-Registration into development

[#23 (closed)]: customer registration - customer can register and is redirected to a landing page.
[#33 (closed)]: registering customer address - customer must register his address, zip_code and city while registering.
[#27 (closed)]: registering customer card number - customer must register a card number while registering.


  • All Customer fields must not be NULL
  • email, unique index, format: "^[\w-.]+@([\w-]+.)+[\w-]{2,4}$"
  • phone_number, unique index, format: "^+(\d{1,3}?)\d{10}$"
  • card_number, format: "[0-9]{13,}"
  • zip_code, format: "^\d{5}$"
  • password, at least 8 characters

**TDD: [PASS]**
Test crud operations over customer Test constraints

**BDD: [PASS]**
Test Customer registration

  • confirmation over valid fields
  • rejection over unvalid fields
  • rejection over already taken email or phone_number

Closes #23 (closed) #33 (closed) #27 (closed)

Merge request reports
