FR-04: Change Password
As a user, I want to change my password so that I can maintain the security of my account.
This page should be at /me/password
Acceptance criteria
AC1 - An authenticated user should be able to change their existing password. -
AC2 - The user should be prompted to enter their current password. -
AC3 - The user should be prompted to enter their new password. -
AC4 - The user should be prompted to confirm their new password to prevent typos in it. -
AC5 - The user should receive an error if the current password is invalid. -
AC6 - The user should receive an error if the new passwords don't match. -
AC7 - The user should receive an error if the new password is the same as the old password. -
AC8 - The user should receive a notification once the password change succeeds. -
AC9 - The user should be logged out after changing the password.
Requires #12 (closed)
Edited by kerdo