FR-01: Account registration
As a user, I want to register an account so that I can use the system’s extensive features.
User data-model
The user data-model should include the following attributes:
- Name
- Surname
- Date of birth
- Phone number
- Bio
- Email (for authentication)
- Password (for authentication)
Acceptance Criteria
AC1 - An unauthenticated user should be able to create an account with their email and password. -
AC2 - The user should be prompted to confirm their password to prevent typos in it. -
AC3 - The user should receive an error if the passwords don't match. -
AC4 - The user should receive an error if an account with the same email exists. -
AC5 - The user should be automatically logged in if the registration succeeds. -
AC6 - The user should be redirected to the homepage after being logged in. -
AC7 - The user should receive a notification after being redirected to the homepage.
Edited by nurdaulet