US-8 Upload images
User story
As a librarian, I want to be able to upload images to an exhibition so that the users can view them.
The librarian is logged into the system -
The librarian has permission to modify exhibitions -
There is an exhibition editor open -
A template has been selected
Acceptance criteria
There is an Upload Image option -
When "Upload image" is selected, the supported file formats are displayed (e.g., JPEG, PNG, GIF) and only these formats can be uploaded -
There is an "Upload" button -
"When "Upload" is clicked, the image is added to the exhibition and visible to the user -
There is a confirmation message about the upload status
Sprint Ready Checklist
- Acceptance criteria defined
- Team understands acceptance criteria
- Team has defined solution / steps to satisfy acceptance criteria
- Acceptance criteria is verifiable / testable
- External / 3rd Party dependencies identified
Edited by elenliiv