US-1: User login
User story
As a user I want to be able to login so that I can access the application.
Users can self-register themselves to the system -
User has a valid account in the system
Acceptance criteria
A courier can login to the application using VALID credentials -
A customer can login to the application using VALID credentials -
A restaurant can login to the application using VALID credentials -
A courier CAN NOT login to the application using INVALID credentials -
A customer CAN NOT login to the application using INVALID credentials -
A restaurant CAN NOT login to the application using INVALID credentials -
There are separate landing pages for separate users -
BDD/TDD tests that were added prior to login are correct and revisioned
Add during spring planning
Sprint Ready Checklist
Acceptance criteria defined
Team understands acceptance criteria
Team has defined solution / steps to satisfy acceptance criteria
Acceptance criteria is verifiable / testable
Edited by gs0057e